A customs declaration is an official document that describes and provides information about goods that are imported, exported or moved through the European Union. It is a legal act by which a person indicates a wish to place goods under a customs procedure. It shall be presented at the customs office where the goods will be presented. The applicant is the owner of the goods or a person acting on his behalf (representative).
Our services
The customs service is an organization that monitors the legitimacy of import and export cargo movements and the collection of duty.
Customs declaration
Import (IM, EU, CO) Export (EX, EU, CO, EXS/K) Transit (external and internal) (T1, T2, T2F) TIR CARNET (TIR) CMR - transport invoice INF4 message Procedure 4200 (fiscal representative) Specific use (temporary admission and end-use) Processing (inward processing and outward processing) Re-export (ex-re-export or re-export) Exit / Import Summary Declaration (ICS)
Certificates of Origin
EUR.1 EUR.MED FORM A A.TR REX Certificate of Origin
Customs taxes
Import duties VAT Excise duties Anti-dumping and others
Food and Veterinary Service
Single Sanitary Entry Document (CHED-A/-D/-P/-PP)
Customs codes
Combined Nomenclature Harmonized System Customs tariff Taric Handbook